The Park District needs YOU!
The Park District’s Board of Commissioners is comprised of 5 non-compensated community members living within the boundaries of the District. At the end of April 2025, three seats will be open on the Board. Two of those seats are currently filled by appointees until the election is April. The third seat is held by Nancy Carlson, our current President. Nancy has made the difficult decision not to run for another term and enjoy her retirement.
The Park District Board cannot do business with only two commissioners. It must contain a minimum of three commissioners, however, if these three seats go unfilled, the Board would have only two commissioners. Without a minimum of three commissioners to conduct business, the Park District will have to dissolve and the courts will decide what to do with the properties. In the meantime, you would still be paying taxes until the entire matter is resolved. To properly conduct the business of the Park District, a complete Board of 5 members is crucial!
Two of the available seats will be for a 4-year term, and the third seat will be a 2-year term.
Being a Park District commissioner is a vital role in the community but does not take a tremendous amount of time. Why not give a few hours of your time each month to you community?
Running in the election for a seat on the Board is simple. Complete a nomination packet (which you may obtain in the park district office), gather 25 signatures of registered voters, have the papers notarized, and turn everything into the office between November 12th and 18th.
Who is eligible to be a Commissioner for the Grandwood Park Park District? Candidates must be a resident of the park district for at least one year prior to being appointed and must be a registered voter.
When does the Board meet? The Board meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Occasionally, a special meeting will be called to discuss park district business.
Where can I receive more information or get answers to any questions? You can find quite a bit of information on the park district website under the ABOUT tab. You may also contact Nancy Carlson (current President) at 224-725-7518, Dave Nichols (current Vice President) at 847-849-9527, or Leslie Cassidy (Park District Manager) in the office at 847-356-0008.
Being a Board member is a very rewarding experience!